With immediate effect Bandstart Media & Top Talent Promotions parted ways.
Bandstart Media, legal owner of websites like www.bandstart.uk decided that it will no longer work together with the people behind Top Talent Promotions. An insurmountable difference of opinion regarding how to approach third parties caused the break up.
At this time Bandstart Media launches a new way to promote singers, songwriters, bands & musicians. If you have news (for instance a new song, EP, album, clip, collaboration or anything regarding you or your band) send us a press kit, complete with your social media and we will place this free of charge on our website. Our goal is to promote you without costs. You may send your press kit to promotions@bandstart.uk
Independent artist who are interested in a fair and honest record deal may also approach us. Compulse Records, part of Bandstart Media, is happy to work together with great artists.